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Terms of Service



Payments are only accepted through PayPal, CashApp, or Venmo.
All geckos sold are subject to a 25% non-refundable deposit that is rolled into the total price of each gecko. To hold a gecko that qualifies for a payment plan, as discussed below, we require a 25% nonrefundable deposit per gecko upfront. That deposit is gecko specific, and can not be switched. Additional funds paid towards the animal however can be switched to a new animal if you change your mind mid payment plan, but an additional 25% nonrefundable deposit will be required.


Payment Plans


Purchases must be paid off within 30 days of the deposit, unless otherwise discussed. Payment plans are also only available on geckos over $300, excluding shipping costs. If you decide mid payment plan that you no longer want the gecko, store credit can be issued for the amount received up to that point, minus the 25% deposit. In future purchases, credit does not cover the cost of shipping or the cost of the new 25% deposit. Payment plans also cannot be made on geckos that are active in a Morph Market sale, as the sale will have ended before the payment plan is complete.
If you miss a payment, attempts will be made to contact you for 2 weeks. If you do not respond to us within that time, your payments will be moved to store credit, the 25% deposit will be forfeit, and the gecko will be put back up for sale. If you are going to be unavailable for more than a few days at a time, please let us know ahead of time to avoid any misunderstandings. We understand emergencies can and do happen though. We just need communication.





Shipping is generally only available to the continental United States. International shipping can be discussed. We are happy to try to work with you. We ship via Reptiles2You, through FedEx priority overnight ONLY. We charge a flat rate of $70 to ship. We ship out Monday through Wednesday with next day arrival, subject to everyone's availability.
Priority overnight packages generally arrive before 10:30am, but can vary depending on location and distance from your local FedEx hub. Having the package held at the hub for personal pickup is also available at your request.  Otherwise you must be available to receive the package as soon as it arrives. You must alert us as soon as your delivery arrives to ensure the gecko has arrived safely. We can not be held responsible if the gecko is left in the box for an extended period of time after arrival. 
We will only ship when temperatures are safe. The nighttime lows, and daytime highs must be between 40-85 for two days in a row to ensure the safety of the gecko if the package is delayed. This includes the temperatures in our area, your area, and the hubs in between.

When good shipping windows present themselves, we will reach out with ample notice, normally at least 48 hours, to be able to arrange the shipping of your gecko. If you miss 2 shipping attempts due to a lack of communication on your part, we will be refunding​ you the funds paid up to that point, minus 25% of the cost of the gecko before the $70 shipping charge. We will do everything we can on our to get your animal to you, but we can't safely send it out without communication from your end as well. The safety of your animal is our top priority.

If during the time that we are waiting on shipping to become available, the buyer were to change their mind about the gecko or geckos they have purchased, they may only receive a store credit equal to the amount paid, minus a 25% non-refundable fee towards the cost of the gecko. The shipping cost will be refunded if previously paid.




We guarantee live arrival, but only if the shipping criteria was met on your end. You must have obtained the package as stated above, and have alerted us as soon as possible with the condition of the animals, or any guarantee is void. 
In the very unlikely event that your gecko arrives dead on arrival (DOA) we will reimburse you the cost of the gecko (not including shipping cost) in the form of store credit to use towards another gecko. The shipping cost of the new gecko will be your responsibility. No cash refunds will be given. In order for the gecko to be guaranteed, someone must be available to accept the package. Otherwise the guarantee is void. We must be contacted once the package arrives so that we know the gecko was received, and has been taken out of the box and inspected. Tail loss is not covered by a guarantee. A gecko can drop it's tail at any given time, and shipping is particularly stressful on them. In the tragic event that the gecko is DOA, we MUST be contacted within an hour of delivery. Photographic proof must be provided, and we may ask the gecko be shipped back to us to have a necropsy performed. Do not dispose of the gecko until you have our approval. If the gecko falls ill or has other health issues while in my care, we will either offer you a gecko of equal value if one is available, or issue a refund (not including the nonrefundable deposit). If the gecko has health issues within 5 days of shipping, and it is not directly related to the care of the owner, we will issue store credit towards another gecko, but proof of the ill gecko must be provided. You must provide proof of care components upon our request. If we are not contacted within 5 days of the gecko falling ill however, we can not reimburse you in any way. If you need to take the animal to the vet, and the vet does find an underlying issue on our part, then we will provide store credit for a replacement, or help deal with the vet bills. We also will require copies of any test results. If genetic issues arise, it will be dealt with the same as an ill gecko would be. Issues from poor husbandry or care on your end are not covered. 
We try to be fair though, and each case is different. We may make exceptions if we feel they are necessary. 
Color is not guaranteed. Their color develops as they grow, and there is no definite way to tell how they will mature. The pictures we provide are as accurate as possible, or otherwise stated. The sex of the gecko is also not guaranteed. Unless it is specified as male or female, the definite sex it unknown. Terms like possible female are just observations made to the best of our knowledge.


We reserve the right to refuse sale. 


If you have sent a payment, you are agreeing to the terms listed above.


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